VisualCron Pro Full

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  • Kategori: OfficeOffice
  • Versi:
  • Sistem: Windows
  • Pengembang: VisualCron
  • Harga:
    USD 0
  • Dilihat: 65
VisualCron Pro adalah sebuah software tools otomatisasi, integrasi dan penjadwalan tugas untuk Windows dengan dukungan banyak sekali fitur yang kompleks. Ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang bekerja kantoran yang ingin melakukan transfer atau kirim data dengan mudah dan menghemat waktu anda.

Software ini masih memiliki manfaat lainnya dan ini masih di bilang baru dan berikut ini adalah beberapa fungsi dan kegunaan dari program ini yang dapat anda ketahui;

Features of VisualCron Pro

No programming skills
You do not have to have a programming background to learn and create Tasks with VisualCron.

Easy to use interface
Drag, click and create. The interface is consistent and easy to learn.

Tasks for everything
With 300+ custom Tasks for different technologies we are sure we can solve and automate your problems.

Customer driven development
We base our development on feature requests from our customers.

Fast and accurate support
We know our product inside out as well as Windows environment in general.

Extended logging
With audit, Task and Job logs, as well as output for each Task you will have enough information for debugging.

Flow and error handling
React and control flow based on error type and output.

Interact with anything
A range of Tasks uses common protocols for file transfer and script execution across different platforms.

Programming interface
Interact with VisualCron on a programming level by using our API

Save time and money
Automating Tasks along with easy configuration saves your company time and money.

Eliminate human errors
By automating advanced Tasks and handle errors automatically you eliminate human errors and downtime.



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VisualCron Pro Full

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