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- Kategori: Android, Android AppsAndroid, Android Apps
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- Sistem: Android
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USD 0 - Dilihat: 325
Express Yourself and Connect With Friends
- Add photos and videos to your story that disappear after 24 hours, and bring them to life with fun creative tools.
- Message your friends in Direct. Start fun conversations about what you see on Feed and Stories.
- Post photos and videos to your feed that you want to show on your profile.
Instagram MOD INFO
- Ability to lock app by pin-code
- Changed downloader, now you can use SD-card
- Changed method of hooking ads
- Settings backup
- Ability to disable analytics(all statistics and insights won’t be work either)
- Ability to hide liked posts in feed (can cause ads)
- Ability to rearrange navbar and action bar of main activity(General settings – Feed and stories settings – Action Bar and NavBar settings). Don’t use it, if you’re change language in Instagram manually, icons in action bar will disappear!
- Ability to play stories always with sound
- Ability to disable autoskip stories
- Ability to download posts on receiving notifications
- Ability to download voice messages
- May be something else, but I don’t remember
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