iFun Screen Recorder Pro v1.2.0.260 Full

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  • Kategori: MultimediaMultimedia
  • Versi:
  • Sistem: Windows
  • Pengembang: IObit
  • Harga:
    USD 0
  • Dilihat: 80

iFun Screen Recorder Pro adalah aplikasi terbaru yang dirancang khusus untuk dapat membantu anda merekam aktivitas di layar screen desktop anda, hasil rekaman bisa dalam bentuk video HD berkualitas bagus tanpa tanda watermark dan ini sangat cocok untuk anda yang ingin membuat game recording, online course recording, movie recording, tutorial recording dan masih banyak lagi sesuai dengan keperluan anda.

Cara penggunaan aplikasi ini pun mudah dan support untuk semua sistem operasi yang anda gunakan selain itu yang terhebat dari aplikasi ini adalah anda dapat melakukan rekaman secara full screen atau area tertentu dengan fitur screen with Facecam. Anda dapat melakukan rekaman pada layar desktop tanpa ada batasan waktu sehingga anda bisa membuat rekaman hingga berjam-jam.

Features of iFun Screen Recorder Pro

Flexible Screen Capture
Select any area of your screen to start recording, from the entire display to a small dialog box. iFun Screen Recorder supports multiple displays. Capture every detail and cut off every interference.

Facecam Recording
A perfect screen recorder is not only a perfect screen record copy but more than it. iFun Screen Recorder provides you with a Facecam function, allowing you to record your face in a video. Using Facecam in many situations, like online tutorials, game recording, PowerPoint presentations.

No Lagging While HD Recording
Optimizing over and over, iFun Screen Recorder achieves an average 8% CPU utilization, making extremely smooth recording possible. Like flowing air surrounding you: hardly felt, but always by your side.

Take Screenshots While Recording
Both dynamic and static are equal and parallel. Since that, we break through technical barriers between video & audio recording and screen capture taking simultaneously. To give users better using experience, we never stop trying.

Multiple Output/Convert Formats
Trying to cover different groups’ demands, more than 12 output formats are supported to be storage and conversion to other formats you want. Compatible with any mainstream digital devices, from your up-to-date iPhone to your mama’s old MP4 player.

Record the Screen with Audio
Experience the most excellent screen recorder with audio. Every syllable of inside background, speaker and tiny microphone on your headset are completely recorded. From image to audio, we are professional.



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iFun Screen Recorder Pro v1.2.0.260 Full

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