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- Kategori: Network, Tools & UtilitiesNetwork, Tools & Utilities
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USD 0 - Dilihat: 77
IDM UltraFinder adalah software yang dapat anda gunakan sebagai mesin pencari pribadi di PC atau laptop anda, di jaringan anda bahkan sebagai remote server. Ini dapat membantu anda menemukan file, kata, string teks, pola, duplikat, dan semua yang Anda butuhkan hanya dalam hitungan detik saja di hard drive anda, jaringan dan server anda bahkan di server FTP / SFTP milik anda.
Features of IDM UltraFinder
- Master File Table (MFT) search methods for lightning fast results
- Search for files by content or by name (partial or full)
- Search file contents or file names with regular expressions (Perl, Unix, and UltraEdit native)
- Network or FTP locations
- Specify specific folders, entire drives, or even specific files as search targets
- Filter subdirectories, file names, and file extensions to exclude from the search
- Search based on whole or partial word match
- Search for case sensitive matches
- Negative search (find files that DON’T match)
- Search for text in PDF files
- Search for text in Word documents (.doc/.docx)
- Search folders or entire drives
- Search duplicates by a variety of criteria:
– Content
– Name
– Dates
– Size - Tweak duplicate searches with a variety of criteria settings (file dates, file sizes, etc.)
- Ignore special case files like 0-byte, system/hidden files, Recycle Bin files, etc.
- Set include/exclude filters for files and folders
- Powerful searches using regular expressions (Perl, Unix, or native)
- Resolve found duplicates (rename, delete, move, open)