Siaqodb Full Free Download

Siaqodb is a database tool found in NoSQL that is used to create .NET applications. this application is a platform-side database that allows you to synchronize databases on servers and couchdb and monodb-based data. So this application is essentially to store the database so that it is not lost and sort out the database to make it more organized.

Siaqodb Features

  • The high-performance database engine is used to create applications for .NET, Windows, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin. Android, Mono, MonoMac, and Unity3D.
  • Synchronize the client-side database with the server-side database.
  • Ability to connect and transact with NoSQL databases.
  • Manage your data quickly and easily.
  • Minimal configuration.
  • Store and retrieve objects through a simple API.
  • Ability to run client applications in offline mode.


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Siaqodb Full Free Download

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