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- Kategori: Android, Android AppsAndroid, Android Apps
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- Sistem: Android
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USD 0 - Dilihat: 248
DraStic DS Emulator adalah sebuah aplikasi Nitendo Emulator untuk android yang benar-benar luar biasa, dengan aplikasi ini anda dapat memainkan semua permainan Nitendo di perangkat android anda benar-benar luar biasa bukan ?
- Customize the placement and size of the DS screens, for portrait and landscape modes
- Fully supports add-on controllers, and physical controls in devices like nVidia Shield and Xperia Play
- Save and resume your progress anywhere with save states
- Tweak your gaming experience with a database of thousands of cheat codes
- Synchronize your save games with your online Google Drive space
- Increase emulation speed with fast-forward
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