- Diposting oleh:
- Diposting pada:
- Kategori: SecuritySecurity
- Versi: 5.2.0
- Sistem: Windows 10
- Harga:
USD 0 - Dilihat: 58
Penggunaan software ini sangat mudah Anda hanya perlu mencentang beberapa yang perlu atau bisa juga semuanya kemudian klik apply maka seluruh privasi Anda akan aman 100%. Meskipun ukurannya yang ringan tetapi sangat menjaga privasi Anda dengan sangat aman so, jika Anda mau langsung saja.
- Disable Auto Map Download
- Disable Bluetooth Advertising
- Disable Experimentation
- Disable Facts, Tips, Ticks and more on your Lock Screen
- Disable Windows Defender Cloud Protection
- Disable Windows Defender Sample Submission
- Disable Telemetry
- Disable Biometrics
- Disable Handwriting Data Sharing
- Disable Handwriting Error Reporting
- Disable Application Telemetry
- Disable Inventory Collector
- Disable Steps Recorder
- Disable enabling Lock Screen Camera
- Disable and Reset Cortana
- Disable Location
- Disable Sensors
- Disable Web Search
- Disable Windows Media DRM Internet Access
- Defer Windows Upgrades *updated*
- Disable App Notifications
- Disable Password Reveal Button
- Disable and Reset Advertising ID
- Disable SmartScreen Filter for URLs
- Disable Sending Writing Info
- Disable Access to Language List
- Disable App Access to Location Info
- Disable App Access to Camera
- Disable App Access to Microphone
- Disable Getting to know me
- Disable App Access to Account Info
- Disable App Access to Calendar
- Disable App Access to Messages
- Disable App Access to Radios
- Disable Sync With Devices
- Disable Windows Feedback Requestes
- Disable Windows Update Sharing
- Disable WiFi Sense
- Disable Windows Defender
- Disable Automatic Windows Updates
- Disable OneDrive
- Disable Automatic Driver Update
- Disable Automatic Windows Store Updates
- Enable Do not Track in Edge *updated*
- Disable Malicious Software Removal Tool via Windows Update
- Disable KMS Client Online Validation
- Disable Retrieving Device Metadata
- Disable Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program
- Disable Tips about Windows
- Disable Start Menu App Suggestions
- Disable App Access to Call History
- Disable Search Suggestions in Edge
- Disable Setting Sync
- Disable Page Prediction in Edge
- Disable Adobe Flash Player in Edge